Nurzhan Kanatzhanov


About Me



I am a senior pursuing a joint BS/MS degree in Computer Science with a second major in Finance at Washington University in St. Louis. My anticipated graduation date is December 2021.



I specialize in front-end development using HTML5/CSS/JavaScript (ES6+), and React (Node.js, Redux, Next.js).
My other experience includes Python, Java, C++, PHP, TypeScript, Swift, MySQL, and C#.



I am fluent in English, Russian, and Kazakh languages.

My Portfolio(to be continued...)


Database Dashboard

This is a web application that allows users to connect their database and view and aggregate data through chart creation. This was a semester-long project for a class emulating an agile industrial environment (with life-cycle phases) with my teammates Riley McCuen, Rob Haber, and Ethan Kantor.

Note: please use our test account with the password robrob.


Burger Builder React App

The Burger Builder app lets you build a burger with any amount of salad, cheese, meat, and bacon (how self-explanatory 🙄). You can also sign up and view your previous orders. It is also mobile-friendly! I have built this React app while taking an online course learning React by @maxedapps. I also used Firebase hosting and Redux for this React application.


Music Lyrics Text Analysis

This is a side project I worked on to play around with some text analysis and machine learning libraries to learn Python. I compared the style/word choice of two of my favorite music artists—Drake and Kanye West. I saved each of their albums in .txt format and used Python's scikit-learn library to compare them based on (1) word frequencies and (2) topics. You can check out my Jupyter notebook below (in 3 different versions)!


Writing Sample

This is my writing sample: a research paper on the ethics of facial recognition technology with a case-by-case analysis of the benefits and the concerns behind it. The paper was intended to be an article in a popular science magazine, with an assumption that the audience has some prior knowledge on the topic.